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Catch the best trades of 2022 with less time and stress using Autopilot Trading!

Autopilot Trading is our market intelligence service for busy professionals who want to grow wealth.

Instead of wasting time sorting lists and researching stocks, Autopilot Trading provides weekly trade research from a Certified Candlestick Technician who has averaged over 36% per year since 2012.

You’re busy. I’m busy. And none of us seems likely to find a bunch of free time soon.

That's why I created Autopilot Trading--so that busy professionals like you can swing trade with pro-level results in just minutes per week.

With alerts you can actually use.

The service leverages Experience, Time, and Technology to put the best market opportunities in your inbox every weekend. And we teach you how to set up your trading platform to take action on those opportunities even when you're busy with something else!

Leveraging Experience

With Autopilot Trading, you get the “Preflight Checklist” that takes my decades of experience and concentrates it into a short, actionable table.

The Preflight Checklist reveals the exact trades I’m placing to take advantage of anticipated market movement in the weeks ahead.

Members also receive a short video analysis of those charts, and brief insight into the overall market context.

If you choose to parallel trade with us, you’re leveraging all 3 decades of my mistakes and successes. (We recommend starting with paper trading for any new system)

Leveraging Time

Autopilot Trading lets you optimize trading time by leveraging both your time and mine.

I’ve already done the searching to find a handful of powerful growth stocks and ETFs that may present optimal buy points soon.

You don’t have to spend the hours searching for trading opportunities, which gives you more free time at home.

We also use a unique trading methodology to set your trade orders while the market is closed—letting them work on Autopilot. You don’t have to watch the market or worry about how your trades are doing if you follow this method.

Leveraging Technology

Autopilot Trading leverages automation tools in modern trading platforms to set up trades from start to finish—entry, stop loss, and profit targets.

We do this when the market is closed, minimizing emotions and errors.

And with our methodology, we ensure we’re buying on sale, with a high probability of selling for a premium.

As a member, we tell you exactly how to set these trades, and each week, we show you exactly where we’re placing them in the current market.

Knowing how to set these Autopilot Trading orders is the only skill you need to get started using this system, and you can learn it in about an hour.

All you do is open the Preflight checklist, watch the video, and set the orders for anything you want to parallel trade with us.

If leveraging experience, time, and technology with Autopilot Trading sounds good to you, keep reading to see how you can get started.

Autopilot Trading covers 2 different asset classes.

Top 5 Growth Stocks

The Top 5 Growth Stocks list shares which five stocks appear ready to trade—plus gives you all the trade details. It’s actionable trade intel from a professional.

Our members have been raving about this service for the past two years.

Leveraged ETFs

We hand-selected a small pool of seven index and sector ETFs, each leveraged to perform at 2-3x of their daily reference index movement.

This service gives you the option to engage the fourth leverage factor in Autopilot Trading by using financial leverage to potentially increase gains.

These combined elements have a value of $7,104/year.


But you can get started building wealth while you work for a fraction of that amount. Save even more during this rare sale event.

Here's what you get each week:

  • 2 Preflight Checklists (Top 5 & 7 Leveraged ETFs)
  • Chart Review Videos for all tickers
  • Index Analysis Chart Review
  • Email notification of new lists
  • Top 5 Running List
  • How to Use the Preflight Checklist Videos
  • Bonus - Autopilot Order Entry Video & PDF ($79 Value)
  • Bonus - Trader Tools ($49 Value)

Just choose your preferred subscription option below.

Test Flight - Quarterly Pricing

15% OFF

Billed Quarterly at $237.99 (normally $279.99)

    Annual - 3 Payments

    15% OFF

    3 payments for annual at $283.05 (normally $333)

      All payments processed securely through PayPal.

      That's up to $592 of expert trading analysis per month for less than your daily coffee run.


      And to make sure you can take action on the information we send, we're adding the following bonus.

      Bonus - Autopilot Order Entry Guides

      Value: $79

      As a Bonus, I'll give you access to a training video and PDF that teaches you how to enter customized orders with your broker that trigger only if the stock reaches our Entry Action Zone.

      This video teaches you how to set up your week's trades in a few minutes, and then go about your business until they fill. I'd call it "Set and Forget", but forgetting trades is unwise.

      Then once you're in a trade, the video also covers how to automate your exits to protect capital and lock-in profits. Freeing you from the worry of watching the market all day. It's "set and don't fret" trading.

      AKA Autopilot Trading


      100% Lifetime Price Lock Guarantee

      The nature of trading does not allow me to guarantee a certain level of results or profits. Your personality, abilities, capital availability, risk tolerance, and a multitude of other factors influence your results.

      I can only guarantee what I can control.

      When you sign up today, your price will never increase as long as you remain a member in good standing, even if we increase our product pricing as we built extra value into each level.

      You could be parallel trading with a pro this weekend.

      Just choose your best option below.

      Test Flight - Quarterly Pricing

      15% OFF

      Billed Quarterly at $237.99 (normally $279.99)

        Annual - 3 Payments

        15% OFF

        3 payments for annual at $283.05 (normally $333)